personalized support for you or your workplace

From clinical training and consultation, to workshops on professional well-being and resilience, we are here for you.

Currently, Carryn and Sharon are both taking some time off for family leave. Feel free to contact us, however, if you have questions about a potential future workshop or consultation .


Resilience for Helping Professionals

Practical Strategies to Protect against Burnout and Vicarious Trauma

Burnout and vicarious trauma exist as universal risks for psychotherapists and allied professionals exposed regularly to the suffering of those for whom they provide care. In this workshop, we teach helping professionals (such as therapists, teachers, clergy, judges, medical professionals, etc) ways to reduce burnout and enhance professional wellbeing.


Training for Your Workplace

We’d love to develop a resourcing workshop for your organization!

Invite us to resource your organization or community of helping professionals or trainees on topics of trauma-informed care, trauma treatment, burnout, self-care & resilience, or vicarious trauma exposure. Available for therapists, healthcare workers, educators, legal professionals, clergy, and other helping and healing professionals.


Small Group Consultations

Find and share support in a small-group setting of healers.

We resource emerging professionals, therapists experiencing mid-career burnout, and seasoned healers alike in developing or enhancing practices to sustain a fulfilling career for the long haul. Learn and practice strategies related to boundaries, protective presence, affect regulation, and self-care rituals.

*Note: We are not currently booking consultation appointments during this time.


One-on-One Consultations

Get personalized support through one-time or ongoing consultation.

We both offer clinical consultation as well as consultation and guidance about professional development and enhancing wellbeing in one’s career. Get individual support for topics around trauma treatment, vicarious trauma, managing boundaries, and more.

*Note: We are not currently booking consultation appointments during this time.




The Resourced Therapist provided a supportive environment for our participants to feel renewed and strengthened in our work.  Our toolkits were replenished with mindfulness and breathing techniques that we can integrate into our sacred work.  It was a pleasure to work with The Resourced Therapist, their session was a gift to our community.


— Rabbi Kim Blumenthal

Bet Chaverim, Columbia, MD

Chair, Howard County Board of Rabbis